作者: Lawgod (園丁) 看板: ER
標題: [劇情] 1~15季 中英標題
時間: Sun Jan 8 20:15:43 2012





Season 1 Disc 1
01. 急診室之二十四小時 24 Hours
02. 第一天 Day One
03. 回家 Going Home

Season 1 Disc 2
04. 肇事逃逸 Hit and Run
05. 日以繼夜 Into That Good Night
06. 芝加哥的小陽春 Chicago Heat
07. 幸運之日 Another Perfect Day

Season 1 Disc 3
08. 九又二分之一小時 9 1/2 Hours
09. 急診室的秘密檔案 ER Confidential
10. 大風雪 Blizzard
11. 聖誕禮物 The Gift

Season 1 Disc 4
12. 新年快樂 Happy New Year
13. 幸運之籤 Luck of the Draw
14. 漫長的一天 Long Day's Journey
15. 1995年2月5日 Feb 5, '95

Season 1 Disc 5
16. 情人節快樂 Make of Two Hearts
17. 生日快樂 The Birthday Party
18. 芝加哥夜未眠 Sleepless in Chicago
19. 盡人事 Love's Labor Lost

Season 1 Disc 6
20. 恐怖之夜 Full Moon, Saturday Night
21. 紙牌屋 House of Cards
22. 盡人事、聽天命 Men Plan, God Laughs
23. 人間之愛 Love Among the Ruins

Season 1 Disc 7
24. 為人母者 Motherhood
25. 回到原點 Everything Old Is New Again


Season 2 Disc 1
01. 歡迎回來,卡特! Welcome Back Carter!
02. 夏季的巡邏 Summer Run
03. 做一個、教一個、殺一個 Do One, Teach One, Kill One
04. 什麼生命? What Life?

Season 2 Disc 2
05. 幾家歡樂幾家愁 And Baby Makes Two
06. 像這樣的日子 Days Like This
07. 洪水爆發 Hell and High Water
08. 分享秘密的人 The Secret Sharer

Season 2 Disc 3
09. 家 Home
10. 奇蹟在這裡發生 A Miracle Happens Here
11. 冬天之死 Dead of Winter
12. 真實的謊言 True Lies

Season 2 Disc 4
13. 葛林的工作真不容易 It's Not Easy Being Greene
14. 正確的事 The Right Thing
15. 送嬰兒禮物的派對 Baby Shower
16. 醫生們 The Healers

Season 2 Disc 5
17. 配對遊戲 The Match Game
18. 值夜班 A Shift in the Night
19. 肚子痛 Fire in the Belly

Season 2 Disc 6
20. 起源不明的發燒 Fevers of Unknown Origin
21. 折斷的翅膀 Take These Broken Wings
22. 約翰卡特醫生 John Carter, M.D.


Season 3 Disc 1
01. 我想你是卡特醫生吧 Doctor Carter, I Presume
02. 競賽開始 Let the Games Begin
03. 不要問、不要說 Don't Ask, Don't Tell
04. 最後一幕 Last Call

Season 3 Disc 2
05. 五樓的鬼 Ghosts
06. 飛行恐懼症 Fear of Flying
07. 一切靠腦袋 No Brain, No Gain
08. 火車站 Union Station

Season 3 Disc 3
09. 別問我問題,我就不跟你扯謊 Ask Me No Questions, I'll Tell You No Lies
10. 佳節無家可歸 Homeless for the Holidays
11. 大夜班 Night Shift
12. 身後事 Post Mortem

Season 3 Disc 4
13. 命運的捉弄 Fortune's Fools
14. 盲腸風波 Whose Appy Now?
15. 繞遠路 The Long Way Around
16. 信念 Faith

Season 3 Disc 5
17. 部族分歧 Tribes
18. 賭命 You Bet Your Life
19. 呼叫海瑟威醫生 Calling Dr. Hathaway

Season 3 Disc 6
20. 隨機遇害 Random Acts
21. 許願 Make a Wish
22. 旅程外一章 One More for the Road


Season 4 Disc 1
01. 攻於不備 Ambush
02. 前所未有的事 Something New
03. 無心之火 Friendly Fire
04. 風起搖籃倒 When the Bough Breaks

Season 4 Disc 2
05. 上下其手 Good Touch, Bad Touch
06. 從零開始 Ground Zero
07. 父與子 Fathers and Sons
08. 怪病一族 Freak Show

Season 4 Disc 3
09. 妨礙司法 Obstruction of Justice
10. 盲者復明 Do You See What I See?
11. 溫暖的思維 Think Warm Thoughts
12. 瞬息萬變 Sharp Relief

Season 4 Disc 4
13. 卡特的決定 Carter's Choice
14. 家庭醫療 Family Practice
15. 緊急撤退 Exodus
16. 血濃於水 My Brother's Keeper

Season 4 Disc 5
17. 一團混亂 A Bloody Mess
18. 直覺反應 Gut Reaction
19. 灰色調 Shades of Gray

Season 4 Disc 6
20. 舊悔與新懼 Of Past Regret and Future Fear
21. 毒癮寶寶 Suffer the Little Children
22. 心的圓缺 A Hole in the Heart


Season 5 Disc 1
01. 奈特的一天 Day for Knight
02. 一瞬間 Split Second
03. 他們醫馬,不是嗎? They Treat Horses, Don't They?
04. 憑空消失 Vanishing Act

Season 5 Disc 2
05. 化裝舞會 Masquerade
06. 緊緊相黏 Stuck on You
07. 徬徨不安 Hazed and Confused
08. 奮勇救人 The Good Fight

Season 5 Disc 3
09. 露絲強森 Good Luck, Ruth Johnson
10. 奇蹟使者 The Miracle Worker
11. 大家都喜歡亞曼達李醫生 Nobody Doesn't Like Amanda Lee

Season 5 Disc 4
12. 雙盲測驗 Double Blind
13. 裘伊的抉擇 Choosing Joi
14. 暴風雨(上) The Storm: Part 1
15. 暴風雨(下) The Storm: Part 2

Season 5 Disc 5
16. 無名小鎮 Middle of Nowhere
17. 棍棒石頭之夜 Sticks and Stones
18. 身世未明 Point of Origin
19. 春之祭 Rites of Spring

Season 5 Disc 6
20. 停電 Power
21. 負責派對 Responsible Parties
22. 讓我認識你 Getting to Know You


Season 6 Disc 1
01. 韋芙的抉擇 Leave It to Weaver
02. 生存的尊嚴 Last Rites
03. 瑜亮情節 Greene with Envy
04. 失職的父親 Sins of the Fathers

Season 6 Disc 2
05. 真相與後果 Truth & Consequences
06. 抉擇 The Peace of Wild Things
07. 摔慘了 Humpty Dumpty
08. 遠大的期望 Great Expectations

Season 6 Disc 3
09. 悲歡聖誕 How the Finch Stole Christmas
10. 家家有本難唸的經 Family Matters
11. 心的延續 The Domino Heart

Season 6 Disc 4
12. 新手上路 Abby Road
13. 長駐我心 Be Still My Heart
14. 飛來橫禍 All in the Family
15. 同理心 Be Patient

Season 6 Disc 5
16. 掌控之中 Under Control
17. 抉擇 Viable Options
18. 天作之合 Match Made in Heaven
19. 最快的一年 The Fastest Year

Season 6 Disc 6
20. 生命終點 Loose Ends
21. 苦澀的甜蜜 Such Sweet Sorrow
22. 漫長的一天 May Day


Season 7 Disc 1
01. 返校球賽之夜 Homecoming
02. 沙與水 Sand and Water
03. 星戰毀滅者 Mars Attacks
04. 班頓的退路 Benton Backwards

Season 7 Disc 2
05. 幻想的飛行 Flight of Fancy
06. 拜訪 The Visit
07. 救我 Rescue Me
08. 我們跳的舞 The Dance We Do

Season 7 Disc 3
09. 最棒的禮物 The Greatest of Gifts
10. 直言不諱 Piece of Mind
11. 剪刀、石頭、布 Rock, Paper, Scissors

Season 7 Disc 4
12. 投降 Surrender
13. 神的旨意 Thy Will Be Done
14. 樹林裡的散步 A Walk in the Woods
15. 十字路口 The Crossing

Season 7 Disc 5
16. 獵女巫 Witch Hunt
17. 適者生存 Survival of the Fittest
18. 好事多磨 April Showers
19. 快樂出航 Sailing Away

Season 7 Disc 6
20. 害怕拘留 Fear of Commitment
21. 心的所在 Where the Heart Is
22. 濫殺 Rampage


Season 8 Disc 1
01. 四角 Four Corners
02. 留的越久 The Longer You Stay
03. 血、糖、性與魔法 Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic
04. 千萬別鐵齒 Never Say Never

Season 8 Disc 2
05. 重新開始 Start All Over Again
06. 供不應求 Supplies and Demands
07. 從天堂墜落 If I Should Fall from Grace
08. 局部多雲偶陣雨 Partly Cloudy, Chance of Rain

Season 8 Disc 3
09. 目的地在哪? Quo Vadis?
10. 團員的聖誕節 I'll Be Home for Christmas
11. 無法修補的傷害 Beyond Repair

Season 8 Disc 4
12. 埃及之河 A River in Egypt
13. 損害已造成 Damage Is Done
14. 轉折的命運 A Simple Twist of Fate
15. 在你腦子裡 It's All in Your Head

Season 8 Disc 5
16. 秘密與謊言 Secrets and Lies
17. 過去就讓它過去 Bygones
18. 天上的獵戶座 Orion in the Sky
19. 手足 Brothers and Sisters

Season 8 Disc 6
20. 遺書 The Letter
21. 海灘上的日子 On the Beach
22. 隔離 Lockdown


Season 9 Disc 1
01. 災難理論 Chaos Theory
02. 死亡夢魘 Dead Again
03. 叛亂 Insurrection
04. 男子漢 Walk Like a Man

Season 9 Disc 2
05. 萬聖節 A Hopeless Wound
06. 但願人長久 One Can Only Hope
07. 最糟的一天 Tell Me Where It Hurts
08. 初雪 First Snowfall

Season 9 Disc 3
09. 血濃於水 Next of Kin
10. 悔不當初 Hindsight
11. 友情相助 A Little Help From My Friends

Season 9 Disc 4
12. 罪惡感 A Saint in the City
13. 好人難做 No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
14. 無牽無掛 No Strings Attached
15. 從天而降的男孩 A Boy Falling Out of the Sky

Season 9 Disc 5
16. 祝福 A Thousand Cranes
17. 政治周旋 The Advocate
18. 新官上任 Finders Keepers
19. 世事多變 Things Change

Season 9 Disc 6
20. 葬禮 Foreign Affairs
21. 早班晚班 When Night Meets Day
22. 擔任義工 Kisangani


Season 10 Disc 1
01. 世事難料 Now What?
02. 迷失 The Lost
03. 親愛的艾比 Dear Abby
04. 輪班 Shifts Happen

Season 10 Disc 2
05. 遠離非洲 Out of Africa
06. 顧全大局 The Greater Good
07. 死亡與稅金 Death and Taxes
08. 自由落體 Freefall

Season 10 Disc 3
09. 失蹤 Missing
10. 心靈夥伴 Makemba
11. 沾了醬油就走人 Touch & Go

Season 10 Disc 4
12. 新生兒加護病房 NICU
13. 去找卡特 Get Carter
14. 衝動控制 Impulse Control
15. 血緣 Blood Relations

Season 10 Disc 5
16. 原諒與寬恕 Forgive and Forget
17. 學生 The Student
18. 有煙的地方 Where There's Smoke
19. 觸之所及 Just a Touch

Season 10 Disc 6
20. 正常的艾比 Abby Normal
21. 午夜 Midnight
22. 開車 Drive


Season 11 Disc 1
01. 一路順風 One for the Road
02. 破壞 Damaged
03. 試試卡特 Try Carter
04. 恐懼 Fear

Season 11 Disc 2
05. 實習醫師入門手冊 An Intern's Guide to the Galaxy
06. 死亡時刻 Time of Death
07. 白人、黑頭髮 White Guy, Dark Hair
08. 暗中之光 Shot in the Dark

Season 11 Disc 3
09. 就在那晚 'Twas the Night
10. 皮膚 Skin
11. 唯一聯繫 Only Connect

Season 11 Disc 4
12. 供應商 The Providers
13. 中間人 Middleman
14. 我就是這樣 Just as I Am
15. 孤獨一人 Alone in a Crowd

Season 11 Disc 5
16. 相遙兩地 Here and There
17. 舊地重遊 Back in the World
18. 拒絕救護 Refusal of Care
19. 再遇魯伯 Ruby Redux

Season 11 Disc 6
20. 你在這裡 You Are Here
21. 愛已滿溢 Carter est Amoureux
22. 戲得演下去 The Show Must Go On


Season 12 Disc 1
01. 坎揚城 Canon City
02. 棄兒 Nobody's Baby
03. 無名男 Man with No Name
04. 都是雨的錯 Blame It on the Rain

Season 12 Disc 2
05. 甦醒 Wake Up
06. 夢想之家 Dream House
07. 人肉盾牌 The Human Shield
08. 一山不容二虎 Two Ships

Season 12 Disc 3
09. 我願意 I Do
10. 耶誕夜驚喜 All About Christmas Eve
11. 更待何時 If Not Now

Season 12 Disc 4
12. 意見分歧 Split Decisions
13. 心靈與肉身 Baby & Soul
14. 人心險惡 Quintessence of Dust
15. 蘇丹達佛 Darfur

Season 12 Disc 5
16. 無依無靠 Out on a Limb
17. 迷失美國 Lost in America
18. 同床異夢 Strange Bedfellows
19. 無處可躲 No Place to Hide

Season 12 Disc 6
20. 這裡沒有天使 There Are No Angels Here
21. 英雄葛蘭與悲劇維克 The Gallant Hero & the Tragic Victor
22. 禮砲二十一響 21 Guns


Season 13 Disc 1
01. 危機處理 Bloodline
02. 終究結束 Graduation Day
03. 真愛難尋 Somebody to Love
04. 為人父母 Parenthood

Season 13 Disc 2
05. 對簿公堂 Ames v. Kovac
06. 關鍵報告 Heart of the Matter
07. 不堪回首 Jigsaw
08. 堅信不移 Reason to Believe

Season 13 Disc 3
09. 支援前線 Scoop and Run
10. 推誠布公 Tell Me No Secrets...
11. 聖誕快樂 City of Mercy
12. 信任問題 Breach of Trust

Season 13 Disc 4
13. 意料之外 A House Divided
14. 如釋重負 Murmurs of the Heart
15. 視死如歸 Dying Is Easy...
16. 良心問題 Crisis of Conscience

Season 13 Disc 5
17. 養兒為誰 From Here to Paternity
18. 留下回憶 Photographs and Memories
19. 家事困擾 Family Business
20. 熄燈之後 Lights Out

Season 13 Disc 6
21. 完美婚禮 I Don't
22. 只能改變 Sea Change
23. 勇往直前 The Honeymoon Is Over


Season 14 Disc 1
01. 戰火反噬 The War Comes Home
02. 新視野 In a Different Light
03. 十萬火急 Officer Down
04. 關心則亂 Gravity

Season 14 Disc 2
05. 軟弱的意志 Under the Influence
06. 考驗 The Test
07. 大停電 Blackout
08. 遊子返鄉 Coming Home

Season 14 Disc 3
09. 勾心鬥角 Skye's the Limit
10. 三百名病患 300 Patients
11. 突破現狀 Status Quo
12. 心存信念 Believe the Unseen

Season 14 Disc 4
13. 贖罪 Atonement
14. 心碎宿主 Owner of a Broken Heart
15. 生日當天 ...As the Day She Was Born
16. 真相大白 Truth Will Out

Season 14 Disc 5
17. 壓力重重 Under Pressure
18. 血濃於水 Tandem Repeats
19. 芝加哥之道 The Chicago Way


Season 15 Disc 1
01. 生死一瞬間 Life After Death
02. 震撼教育 Another Thursday at County
03. 艾比之書 The Book of Abby
04. 父母身教 Parental Guidance
05. 揮之不去 Haunted

Season 15 Disc 2
06. 兄弟 Oh, Brother
07. 醫治自己 Heal Thyself
08. 純真時刻 Age of Innocence
09. 雪花片片 Let It Snow
10. 聖誕佳節 The High Holiday

Season 15 Disc 3
11. 分離焦躁 Separation Anxiety
12. 逐夢者 Dream Runner
13. 痛苦的愛 Love Is a Battlefield
14. 路遙景奇 A Long, Strange Trip
15. 居家男人 The Family Man

Season 15 Disc 4
16. 結束的開端 The Beginning of the End
17. 倒數 T-Minus-6
18. 我們的工作 What We Do
19. 永不停歇 Old Times
20. 打破平衡 Shifting Equilibrium

Season 15 Disc 5
21. 美好生活 I Feel Good
22. 永不停歇 And in the End…




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: Lawgod 來自: (01/08 20:18)
※ 編輯: Lawgod 來自: (01/08 20:18)
Digitoxin:給你一個讚 01/08 20:21
elims:哇!給你一個讚! 01/23 23:31
Fiama:讚!! 04/20 09:59

    創作者 運動新聞 的頭像


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